These are the top ten signs you may soon be getting fired, according to a recent report compiled by the American Termination Institute of Dover, Delaware
1) Your boss tells you that you are without a doubt the most incompetent person she has ever worked with and that she would like nothing better than to get rid of you as soon as possible.
2) You get a “slip” in your mail. Even if it is not pink, businesses today don’t send employees slips of any color unless it’s bad news.
3) A man named Gene comes into your cubicle and removes the picture of your spouse and kids from the credenza. He only does this to you.
4) A woman named Sally bursts into tears when she passes you in the hallway, and then runs to the restroom and you can hear her sobbing and throwing up.
5) Gene returns days later and places photos of another person’s spouse and kids in the same spots from which he took yours.
6) You start finding banana peels on the floor outside your office.
7) When you attend a meeting, you discover that the IT people have rigged your chair to give you a slight electric shock.
8) The cafeteria is suddenly “out of” the orange-filled cruller, which has been your breakfast choice for 17 years.
9) You are given no assignments except running out at 10 AM every day to purchase a peppermint tea. You are not told who it’s for.
10) A large, menacing German shepherd is suddenly pacing up and down in front of your office, snarling whenever he sees you.