The Workplace


8 Questions You Are Not Required to Answer During a Job Interview

Whether you're interviewing for a new position in person...

Following Up On Your Interview – a Five-Point Plan to Get the Job

You’ve just just aced the interview for the job...

Charging Helmet Reverses Effects of Executive Burnout

As recently as 2021, Executive Burnout cost US business...

Strenuous “Ah-Ha Moments” Taking Toll on Older Workers

A 63 year-old Troy, Michigan marketing manager was in...

Despite Ability to Name All US Presidents, 754 Interviews Net Her No Job Offers

Q. Over the past year I have been on 754 job interviews, but I still don’t have a job. In fact, I’ve never once been called back for a second...

Marketers Disciplined for Doing Work During Mandatory Backgammon Time

Employees of Weltmen Conformities are now receiving certified letters in their files if they are caught working instead of playing backgammon during their assigned “fun” periods.   The policy was...

Workers Required to Identify the Levels They Say Things Are Right or Wrong On

When Sheila Landress, a research assistant at Miami's Heinz Limited, stated in a recent task force meeting that a proposal on transformation was wrong “on so many levels,” she...

Businesses Creating Special Departments for Employees Who Are Too Afraid to Talk

Fourteen percent of US businesspeople have stopped talking at work since the start of 2019, due to the fear they might say something offensive to another person or group. ...

With Many Still Working at Home, AI Utilized to Spread Workplace Rumors

While they’re often a nuisance and frequently have to be dealt with, most US business executives concede that workplace rumors are essential to maintaining an acceptable level of employee...

Ten Major Reasons Your Workplace Might Not Be A Very Nice Workplace

Despite efforts to promote open door policies, and make it clear that upper managers are “people persons,” many workplaces aren’t as nice as they present themselves as being.    According...

To Look Busy, Analyst Types Same Sentence More Than 16 Million Times

William Harris, 56, a post systems analyst at Cleveland's Palmer-Inge, was dismissed this week when it was discovered he had done no work since being hired 13 years ago...

As Staffs Return to Offices, Employers Use Invisible Fences to Stop Escapes

Upon ordering employees working from home to return to the office, US businesses are discovering that once they come back, many don’t like it and go back home. This...

Tired of Traditional Jobs, More Turn to Getaway Car Driving

In 2012, there were 4,300 registered getaway car drivers in the United States. Today there are more than 125,000, due to the availability of more desirable getaway options. “In the...

“Just Another Pomegranate” Will Become Fifth Fruit-Based Corporate Expression

The fifth officially sanctioned fruit-based corporate expression will be inaugurated on September 1, after a two year development process by the additions committee of the US Bureau of Sayings...

Nod, Handshake or Hug? Workers Returning to Workplace Specify Greeting Preference

When employees return to the office after many months working from home, the idea of having to interact with colleagues again can cause anxiety and concern. "Before the pandemic people...

Accounting Clerk Walks 2300 Miles to Find Company That Moved Without Telling Him

When Delmar Stratagems relocated from Seattle to Detroit in May,       57 year old accounting clerk Harold Walters was not invited to make the move. In fact,...

Let's work together

Cubicle F offers a range of exciting marketing opportunities for businesses based in Detroit. From custom songs and sketches to engaging employee shows and videos, we're here to help you make a lasting impression on your target audience.

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