The Workplace


8 Questions You Are Not Required to Answer During a Job Interview

Whether you're interviewing for a new position in person...

Following Up On Your Interview – a Five-Point Plan to Get the Job

You’ve just just aced the interview for the job...

Charging Helmet Reverses Effects of Executive Burnout

As recently as 2021, Executive Burnout cost US business...

Strenuous “Ah-Ha Moments” Taking Toll on Older Workers

A 63 year-old Troy, Michigan marketing manager was in...

Three Year-Old Inadvertently Earns Firm $40 Million on “Take Your Kid to Work” Day

A youngster who accompanied her mother to "Take Your Kids to Work" Day on April 28 inadvertently earned the employer a $40 million profit. Acquisitions manager Norma Darden brought her...

In Lieu of Raises, Ad Agency Approves Employee Tip Jars

While foregoing salary increases for the seventh straight year, Detroit ad agency SommersWorth is taking steps to ensure all employees are adequately compensated. As of April 1, the company's...

Tulsa Company Lays Off All Employees Named Ray

Facing the need to save costs following two years of losses, Tulsa platform manufacturers Ralston-Morton ordered the layoffs of 18 of the company’s 424 employees last week. Those impacted...

Six Ways to Avoid Being Perceived as an Office Pushover

It’s impossible to succeed in the workplace if you’re perceived as a “pushover” – that is, a person who is taken advantage of and, in some instances, actually pushed...

Requiring Signatures on Anonymous Attitude Survey Boosts Positivity by 1600 Percent

Sears/Wills, the international travel aggregator, achieved a 1598 percent increase in its employee satisfaction score this year by making one simple change to its annual anonymous attitude survey: Employees...

Analyst Mixes Up Career “Do” With “Don’t,” Punches CEO in Nose

Having read 787 business advice books, Sarah Watney, an ultra-analyst at Chicago’s Millington Group, believed she had memorized every "do" and "don't" necessary to advance her career.  Last March...

Speed Disclaimers Save Their Companies’ Rears

Covering the company’s rear end is rarely mentioned in mission statements, but it is always the number one priority. Many US businesses have long assigned staffers to end meetings...

Up and Coming Ad Man Mistakenly Gets His Foot in the Wrong Door

Steve Wilson was on top of the world. Three years after first sending out his resume, then following up with over 100 query letters, he thought he’d finally gotten...

As Employees Return to Work, Brokerage Reassigns Their Comfort Zones

As its employees began returning to the workplace after more than two years at home, the management at Transinstitutional Brokers of Birmingham, Alabama, observed that most of them were...

“Writing on the Wall” Strategy Transitions From Workplace to Home

To avoid paying expensive severance packages to terminated employees, HR departments have long utilized the strategy of writing on their office or cubicle walls to get them to resign...

Consortium Says Giving 110% No Longer Enough, Mandates Increase

The Nevergo consortium of St. Louis notified its 1300 employees this week that it is no longer sufficient to give 110 percent. New requirements – which increase expectations to...

Company Mandates That Employees Spend 12 Minutes a Day at Water Cooler

When employees of Milwaukee's Turner-Marx failed to gather around the new water cooler, which had been purchased solely to facilitate conversation and encourage camaraderie, CEO Paul Lang launched a...

Let's work together

Cubicle F offers a range of exciting marketing opportunities for businesses based in Detroit. From custom songs and sketches to engaging employee shows and videos, we're here to help you make a lasting impression on your target audience.

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