The Workplace


8 Questions You Are Not Required to Answer During a Job Interview

Whether you're interviewing for a new position in person...

Following Up On Your Interview – a Five-Point Plan to Get the Job

You’ve just just aced the interview for the job...

Charging Helmet Reverses Effects of Executive Burnout

As recently as 2021, Executive Burnout cost US business...

Strenuous “Ah-Ha Moments” Taking Toll on Older Workers

A 63 year-old Troy, Michigan marketing manager was in...

Office Gangs Wreaking Havoc at US Companies

While the problem of street gangs is well documented, a newer concern is the trouble being caused by office gangs, whose numbers have increased dramatically since the start of...

Workplace Injuries from Taking the Bull by the Horns Increase 30 Percent

The number of US business people injured taking the bull by the horns has risen by over 30 percent in the past year, from just under 13,000 in 2019...

Colleagues Who’ve Always Seen Eye-to-Eye Now Also on Same Page

It was common knowledge at Trollem-Forth in Detroit that product conveyors Evelyn Franks and Carl Leeds have always seen eye-to-eye   Last week they issued a memo confirming that they...

As Performing Opportunities Decline, US Companies Welcome Mimes to the Workforce

With Covid meaning fewer crowds on street corners to perform for, mimes across the US are turning to other means of making a living – taking jobs at advertising...

Man Who Spreads 78% of Workplace Rumors Tracked To California

On Tuesday, Corporate America tracked down the man responsible for the majority of workplace rumors spread across the country. It turns out that San Diego accruals clerk Edward Mantell has...

With Fewer Working in Offices, Companies Bring Hot Seats to Underperformers’ Homes

Because millions of people are now working at home, it has become more difficult for US companies to put employees in the hot seat. That’s why many have begun...

Woman Injured Breaking Through Glass Ceiling Replaced by Her Male Assistant

Monica Masterson, of Boulder, Colorado's Piltdown Group, broke through the glass ceiling on February 22 -  the first woman in the transactionals company’s 45-year history to do so.  During the...

Shortening Mandatory Phone Greeting Will Save Company $72,000 a Year

An employee of The Altman Group of Madison Heights, Michigan has been recognized by the US Assoc. of Tm. Svrs for suggesting that his company shorten its mandatory phone...

Told to Hire Trouble Shooter, HR Mistakenly Hires Trouble MAKER

On January 15, Littman Manueverables of Des Moines was encountering unexpected difficulties with its newly installed Tricon-Plus system. The already complicated user instructions suddenly switched from English to Portugese,...

Two Fast Walkers Injured in “Hallway Rage” Incident

Two managers at the Danzig Co. were injured this week in a “Hallway Rage” incident, the second occurrence in a month at the San Antonio condiment dispenser maker –...

Company Plants Roses in Office to Discourage Employees From Leaving to Stop and Smell Them

As part of its 2019 mandate that employees achieve a healthy work-life balance or face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, management at Newark’s Rembison Group begin requiring...

Detroit Team Building Facility Makes Backstabbing Fun

It’s a typical night at NIFE, a new Detroit facility specializing in corporate team building.  Twenty-four employees of Midtown’s Matson Reductions maneuver cautiously around the 15,000 square foot space....

Let's work together

Cubicle F offers a range of exciting marketing opportunities for businesses based in Detroit. From custom songs and sketches to engaging employee shows and videos, we're here to help you make a lasting impression on your target audience.

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