The Workplace


8 Questions You Are Not Required to Answer During a Job Interview

Whether you're interviewing for a new position in person...

Following Up On Your Interview – a Five-Point Plan to Get the Job

You’ve just just aced the interview for the job...

Charging Helmet Reverses Effects of Executive Burnout

As recently as 2021, Executive Burnout cost US business...

Strenuous “Ah-Ha Moments” Taking Toll on Older Workers

A 63 year-old Troy, Michigan marketing manager was in...

Corporate Protection Program Provides Bullied Workers With New IDs, Jobs, Offices

For months, cost accountant Steve Dilman (not his real name) endured the bullying of an older, bigger colleague at a Cleveland brokerage house. The bully would stomp on Dilman's foot...

Dunce Cap Initiative Reduces Job-Related Mistakes by 95 Percent

When you screw up big time at Laffoon and Sons, you won't merely be whispered about and shunned during the company's mandatory volleyball games. You'll also spend some time standing...

CEO Elected Employee of the Month 95 Times in a Row

On January 15, CEO Joanna Philson was elected Employee of the Month by the 288 staffers at Miami liquidator Rackson/Pittlinger.  It was the 95th month in a row she...

New App to Revolutionize Workplace Lunches, Save Businesses $150 Billion

The much-anticipated LunchPoof app will launch on March 15, according to CEO Sally Pornover of Coagulators IV - the app creators that have spent three years developing the potentially...

Company Mandates That Employees Reduce Stress or Face Disciplinary Action

When employee stress levels increased to 142 facto points* in December - up from 103 last March - Milwaukee sampling conglomerate Chanting-Pierce was quick to take action.   “We have...

San Francisco Start-Up Helps Make Layoffs More Fun and Meaningful

As American companies seek more innovative methods of downsizing, a San Francisco-based start-up is offering a variety of programs to make the layoff experience a more pleasant one. “People are...

Gen Z in the Workplace: What to Expect

Here are 13 things employers might expect from that generation of workers that seems to have been born after every other worker...

Open Door Policies Vary From Company to Company

Over 98 percent of American businesses maintain an “open door” policy, and most make it mandatory that employees participate. How the policy works can vary from workplace to workplace,...

Mechanical Engineer Whisperer Saves Sacramento Firm from Ruin

Marilyn Hallis, a file clerk at San Francisco engineering firm WernerSpitlin, saved the company last Friday by whispering in the ear of a mechanical engineer. “Mechanical engineers are unruly, undisciplined,...

Guidebook Aims to Prevent Feet Held to Fire, Other Cliche-Caused Injuries

To protect young Corporate Americans from serious injury, the Business Expression Institute has just published Feet to the Fire!– a listing of 1355 business clichés that could prove harmful...

Ad Agency Criticized for Putting Employees in Boxes

Alice McMahon dreamed about working for Sims Walters. After all, this was the ad agency known for its creative genius – the people behind Curt the Carpet Cleaning Cat...

Overcoming Restroom Shyness in 10 Easy Steps

It’s essential to any career to consistently present a poised, confident persona – even in the lavatory.  Here are ten steps to ensure success.

Let's work together

Cubicle F offers a range of exciting marketing opportunities for businesses based in Detroit. From custom songs and sketches to engaging employee shows and videos, we're here to help you make a lasting impression on your target audience.

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