The Workplace


8 Questions You Are Not Required to Answer During a Job Interview

Whether you're interviewing for a new position in person...

Following Up On Your Interview – a Five-Point Plan to Get the Job

You’ve just just aced the interview for the job...

Charging Helmet Reverses Effects of Executive Burnout

As recently as 2021, Executive Burnout cost US business...

Strenuous “Ah-Ha Moments” Taking Toll on Older Workers

A 63 year-old Troy, Michigan marketing manager was in...

Computer/Phone Device Helps Limit Use of Smiley Faces

With US workers expected to employ over 100 billion smiley face emoticons in business correspondence this year - an increase of 845 percent since 2010 - many companies are...

Speed Networking: 44 Seconds to Discuss Core Competencies, Key Assets and More

Most weeks you’ll find dozens of networking events around Detroit where gather at restaurants and hotels, put on name tags, and talk to each other about synergies. “It’s best when...

Unable to Stay Ahead of the Curve, More Workers Getting Run Over By It

Mona Lippman, a process specialist with Tovelman/Moore in Chicago, was injured last week when she was run over by the Curve.  She was the 194th American worker hurt this...

You Didn’t Get the Job You Wanted? Take it Anyhow!

When a staffer is passed over for a promotion she'd been expecting, she develops an alternate strategy: She simply moves into the office and takes the job.

Boss Forgets to Show Up, Timid Employee Still Waits Eight Hours

In March, Maria's boss told her to wait in front of the building so they could walk together to a meeting.  The boss then forgot, but Maria still waited...

Learning to Talk Like a Young Person: We’re Just Sayin’

To help not-so-young employees adjust to all the young people descending on Detroit, a mandatory training program reviews language, celebrities, behaviors, and other trendy topics.

As Gen Xers Bring More to the Table, Bigger Tables Needed

During the past four years, American businesses have increased the size of their tables by 68 percent. The reason: An influx of eager young workers who are bringing more...

“Who’s in the Loop?” Phone App

Don’t get caught associating with someone who’s not in the loop! The new Loop Status Indicator (LSI) for Smartphone is just $2.99 a month.

Business Cliche Offenders List Growing by 10% Annually

Carla Millington was ready to make the big move from Internal Tracking Clerk to Internal Tracking Coordinator. When she aced the third interview, she thought she was home free. But...

The Office Affair Seminar

In order to conduct a romantic affair in the office, couples must apply in advance and attend a mandatory training seminar conducted by Employee Maximization.

Spontaneous Happy Hour

The CEO assigns his top VP to organize a mandatory gathering at a local bar, to provide an opportunity for him to mingle and "rap" with the regular folks.

Canine Loyalty Training

At a new training program, staffers learn the behavioral characteristics that make our canine friends so loyal.

Let's work together

Cubicle F offers a range of exciting marketing opportunities for businesses based in Detroit. From custom songs and sketches to engaging employee shows and videos, we're here to help you make a lasting impression on your target audience.

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