Wallpaper Designer Flees America in Shame When Puppy Post Gets No “Likes”


Charlene Olivson, a wallpaper designer with Salmonson, Inc. in Chicago, unexpectedly moved to Naples, Italy last week – apparently because a social media post of her Shitzu sitting in his water dish didn’t get any “likes” from her friends.

“Maybe it’s the working from home,” says Shirley Slattery, Salmonson’s VP of Employee Actualization.  “Maybe she had a lot of time to post about the dog and it mattered to her more than it should have.”

Olivson is an internationally recognized expert on triangular patterns, says Slattery, and in 2019 earned over $800,000 not counting her bonus.

“Her friends post pictures of onion rings and lipstick and get hundreds of likes,” says Olivson’s mother, Mona, who had been living with her daughter. “When little Freddy didn’t get a single like I guess it must have broken her heart.”

Mrs. Olivson says Charlene posted the picture of Freddy around 7:30 PM on Wednesday, June 2. She checked her phone until 2 AM Thursday, slept fitfully, then got up at 6 and started checking again. As the day wore on and no likes appeared, she grew more depressed – finally taking to her bed all day Friday

When Mrs. Olvison got up on Saturday, she found a note from Charlene indicating she’d packed up Freddy in the middle of the night and flown to Italy. According to a recent post, she has taken a job as a cook’s assistant at Amo i Cani restaurant on Via Broggia in Naples.

“I’m a little worried,” says Mrs. Olivson. “The post has been up for over a week, and so far nobody has liked it. “