Electrician Who Claims He Identifies as the CEO is Given the Job


Though for 22 years he has been employed as an electrician at Milwaukee-based Plantstrupp, Inc., Arthur Holly recently informed the company that he actually identifies as the CEO. 

“We take seriously all employee aspirations and feeling,” says the company’s HR VP, Celia Mallinger. “So we immediately decided to remove any obstacles standing in the way of Mr. Holly achieving his goals and gaining fulfillment.”

Once such obstacle, says Mallinger, was that the company already had a CEO.   Appointed in 2016, Tamara Torbin had guided Planstrupp through five successive years in which profitability increased by 25 percent or more compared to the year prior.

Another was that, having worked solely as an electrician since graduating high school, Mr. Holly had no business experience.

“Some companies would have looked at the situation and concluded there wasn’t anything they could do for Mr. Holly,” says Millinger.  “But we felt it was a situation we couldn’t ignore, and that there was really only one logical solution

So on July 1 Mr. Holly was appointed the company’s new CEO, his compensation increasing from $72,000 per year to approximately $3.4 million. Former CEO Torbin retains a position with the company – and after training will begin working as an electrician in October.

“She did an outstanding job as CEO,” says HR’s Mallinger.  “And while I doubt she identifies as an electrician just yet, I’m confident that she will in very short order.”