Following Up On Your Interview – a Five-Point Plan to Get the Job


You’ve just just aced the interview for the job you want and think you should get – but it’s how you follow up that will make or break you.

From Hired! magazine, here is a five-point plan that’s guaranteed to land you the job you want:

  • Send your interviewer a thank you e-mail within an hour, indicating you expect to get the job: “I really enjoyed our time together today and look forward to timely confirmation of my starting date.” Your potential boss will be impressed by your confidence.
  • If you have not heard back two hours later, send another note setting a deadline: “I realize that schedules are hectic so I understand why you haven’t gotten back to me yet. However, I am anticipating confirmation by 9 AM tomorrow.”
  • If you still haven’t heard back by 9 the next day, do some quick research on your interviewer. If he or she is still undecided, the next note should seal the deal. “As I haven’t received confirmation of my hiring yet, I assume it’s because you’re busy preparing for the sixth grade concert this evening, where your son, Jacob, will be playing a violin solo from “Man of La Mancha” after only three months of lessons with Mrs. Cornish of the DeMeter School.”
  • At noon, it’s time to show you’re getting impatient. Something simple, yet businesslike: “What’s the hold up?” or even just “???????????”
  • If by the next morning you still haven’t received the basic courtesy of a response to your previous four notes, just go ahead and take the job. Move into the office, put up your photos and plants, and start working.