Four Mistakes That May Be Impeding Your Job Search


If you’ve been on a number of job interviews and you still haven’t been hired, you might be doing something wrong – or more than one thing wrong.  According to the American Bureau of Job Placement, these are the top four mistakes that often disqualify candidates from being hired:

  • Making jokes about time zones. The rise in virtual interviewing has paved the way for jokes about the differences in time zones – particularly the central zone, which seems to be the subject of most of the jokes. Most interviews have heard them all, and don’t want to hear any more.
  • Saying “I love me some _______”   Use of this expression – “I love me some research,” or “I love me some synergies” and so on – was popular at some point during the 1990s. It is no longer so, and most interviewers who hear a candidate use it immediately discard his or her resume and block all future phone calls and emails
  • Tap Dancing. If you are involved in tap dancing in any shape or form, stop immediately. It won’t work to continue tap dancing and simply not bring it up. Most companies investigate prospective hires to determine if they tap dance. If they do, they are invariably disqualified.
  • Managing baked goods office clubs. From cruller trade-offs, to Layer Cake Tuesdays, being the head – or having been the head – of an office baked goods club is considered to be career suicide. It should therefore never be included in resumes.