How Many Times Must I Say Hello to the Same People?

ASK YOUR MENTOR by Dr. Miles Miller


Q) During the course of a workday, I see the same people many times, usually in the hallways between meetings. I always greet them politely the first time, but what are my obligations after that? Do I have to keep saying hello – or anything at all? I prefer to use my hallway time thinking up things to say at the next meeting.

A)The typical businessperson spends 6.7 hours a day in meetings and 17.3 minutes walking down hallways to get to them, thus seeing the same person an average of 4.2 times. Here are some recommended guidelines:

  • At the first encounter, stop for 5 to 7 seconds and utilize a standard hallway greeting like, “Hey, what’s shakin’?” “How’re you hittin’ ‘em?” or “There’s the man (or the woman) with the plan!”
  • The second time, do not stop — simply slow down and shake your head to indicate that you are “swamped” or “buried” or preferably both. Invest no more than three seconds.
  • The third time, just nod wearily. Option: You can pretend to be checking your email or texts and say nothing.
  • Do everything you can to avoid a fourth encounter, because at that point you have to go back to step one – investing 5 to 7 seconds again, which few people can afford these days

Your Mentor, Dr. Miles Miller, holds a PhD in managerial logistics from Fordham University, where he has served on the faculty since 1978, specializing in pre-conceptual nuances.

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