I’m Still Afraid of the Systems Coordinator

ASK YOUR MENTOR, by Dr. Miles Miller


Q) JoAnne is the Systems Coordinator in my office. She’s been there 37 years. JoAnne isn’t her real name, but I’m scared to use her real name because it might get back to her, and I don’t want to get on her bad side. Nobody wants to get on her bad side. I figure it’s a power thing. One guy – call him Dave – challenged her schedule for the Newton Upgrade. Next thing you know he’s stacking boxes in the Mail Room!

I haven’t had to tangle with JoAnne yet, but I’m nervous. How can I stay on her good side?

A) Lining up with a power broker like JoAnne is important to your career. To stay on her good side, the key is to be obsequious, which is the technical term for kissing her ass. Also, never gossip about her. You’ll find that other people do gossip about her, but they always end up on her bad side. That’s because JoAnne maintains a highly effective communications network in which all office gossip eventually passes through her. She uses this system to place people on either her good or bad sides.

At 37 years on the job, JoAnne is most likely at the peak of her power. Watch for people to start gossiping about her openly. This will be a sign that her power is declining, and it will be safe to join the fun.

Just don’t tell her I said so. I don’t want to get on her bad side.

Your Mentor, Dr. Miles Miller, holds a PhD in managerial logistics from Fordham University, where he has served on the faculty since 1978, specializing in pre-conceptual corporate nuances.

Send your questions to Mentor@cubiclef.com.