New App to Revolutionize Workplace Lunches, Save Businesses $150 Billion


The much-anticipated LunchPoof app will go to market on March 15, according to CEO Sally Pornover of Coagulators IV, the app creators who’ve spent three years developing the potentially groundbreaking product.

The concept is simple: Use the app to order lunch and it materializes in your desk drawer within 90 seconds.

“There’s a 77 percent decrease in productivity when office workers are waiting for their lunch to come,” says Pornover. “They don’t want to think about anything except eating.” Since the average wait for lunch is 33 minutes, she estimates the down time is costing US companies $297 billion per year. LunchPoof, she says, will cut that number in half.

According to Pornover, here’s what’s final two months before launch:

  • The price to download will be $255.99.
  • The menu will feature 27 items, ranging from a $21 fruit juice to a $61 avocado/sardine based sandwich. Selections are being curated by Leon Fand, formerly chef du monde at NihilisticSix in Brooklyn.
  • An ad campaign has been created by the Pullman Group, known for its iconic Coleman Cleanser TV spots featuring rival soap bubbles dying tragic deaths.
  • Leona Landowne – star of the hit web series Three Girls and Another Girl – will be the official spokesperson.

“LunchPoof is going to change both the concept and the premise of lunch,” promises Pornover, who says there are just two details still to be worked out:

  • Selecting a brand of bottled diet water
  • Developing a technology that will enable lunch to materialize in someone’s desk drawer within 90 seconds.