Let’s Stop at the Tasting Room


It has long been a custom to “stop at the bar” after work to talk about the personality traits of certain bosses, the value of the latest “We’re One Team!” initiative, even the attributes of members of the opposite or same sex.

With the advent “tasting rooms” – which are the same as bars, except they’re run by people who mix drinks using eye-droppers – topics like these are becoming outdated. In fact, they could get get you kicked out.

Here are a few acceptable topics:

  • If you’re in a tasting room to begin with, it’s assumed you’re a doer, a thought leader, or a change agent, and hopefully all three. So talk about something you’ve done, thought, or changed.
  • Play a game! Have everybody write one of their key attributes on a slip of paper, toss them in the middle of the table – then guess the attribute that belongs to each person! This can be fun and rewarding. But be sure not to confuse key attributes with core competencies! That can spoil the fun.
  • Describe a conference you’ve attended – Techonomy, TedX, Detroit Design Fest, or any of the hundreds of others. And if you haven’t been to one, simply say the line, “So much energy in one room!” and people will think you have.
  • Talk about the boss, but in a positive way. Put yourself in the boss’s shoes – maybe list the five main challenges he or she faces, then the obstacles that hinder overcoming these challenges. This can help career development, too, as positive comments often get back to the boss.

Don’t say anything that would offend anyone at an equal opportunity company and don’t drink too much – word of this kind of stuff gets back to the boss, too.

And be sure to get something to eat! If the tasting room doesn’t serve food, there’s sure to be a gastro-pub nearby!