Men React as Women Earn More


Mens advocacy groups reacted strongly yesterday to a study finding that higher pay for women has caused an epidemic of erectile dysfunction in the nation’s bedrooms, with some insisting that a law mandating pay cuts for women is the only practical response to the growing public health crisis.

The Washington University report claims that men are 10% more likely to have problems when mama brings home more than half the bacon.

Demonstrating in favor of pay cut legislation in front of the US Capitol, George McClay and his group Men Against Women (MAW) insisted that the proposed pay cuts were not misogynistic. “Hell, I like women,” McClay said, “but this affects everybody!”

Les Lester of Lester’s Alpha Males, agreed: ”It’s a matter of ensuring domestic tranquility, and that’s in the Constitution!’

Women’s groups dismissed the complaints. “This is good news for American families,” said National Association of Women (NAW) spokeswoman Sheila Murphy, “Maybe now those lunkheads will work harder.”

NAW members protested across the street from MAW members, taunting them with the chant, “Want a rise? Get a raise!”

MAW’s McClay was undeterred. “Most gals would take a 10% pay cut right now,” he said, “just to — you know— get things back to normal.”