300-Member Logo Committee Adds Colon, De-Capitalizes Name


After meeting regularly since February of 2021 and spending $4.33 million on research, the ad hoc logo committee at Parker-Glossman announced a stunning change to the company’s long-standing logo.

It is now parker:glossman.

“Yesterday we were hyphenated and old-fashioned,” CEO Sylvia Nordman wrote to the firm’s 3000 employees. “Today we are lower case and coloned.”

This, she says, illustrates that the company is more dynamic and results-focused than at any time in its history.

The committee, with over 300 members from across the company, plus scores of independent advisors, worked around the clock, especially during the last few weeks as the July 1 deadline approached.

“This wasn’t just a logo committee,” says Senior VP Steve Yenson, who chaired the group. “This was a dedicated team that understood the future of the company was in their hands and was prepared to sacrifice everything, including their homes, marriages, and sanity, to ensure that we did the right thing.”

Parker-Glossman has employed the same logo since it’s founding in 1948.

“The new logo is a lot to grasp at once but we have faith in our people,” says CEO Nordman. She notes that the logo’s typeface – Helvetica Neue Bold – will remain the same.