With BestLite App, Smart Phone Users Always Look Their Best


 “We all have that one bathroom mirror where the light makes us look like we did when we were in high school,” says Janice Hillinger, CEO of phone app maker FFOOMM. “No wrinkles, bright-eyed and dark-haired, all the things companies are looking for when it comes to hiring and promotion.”

Her company’s new phone app – BestLite, launched last September – is able to duplicate your best mirror’s lighting utilizing a technology involving a series of light beams digitally enhanced with a combination of electron disenbeveled sub-participles and soy.  It has been purchased by over 14 million corporate up and comers since its launch.  

To look like they want to look, users simply turn on the light and aim their phones at their faces.

“Business people are holding their phones 93 percent of the time anyhow,” says Hillinger. “So the only thing the bosses will notice is that they look absolutely fantastic!”

According to a survey of those who’ve used the app for at least three months:

  • 96 percent have been nodded to more often by higher ups.
  • 72 percent have discovered that the CEO suddenly knows their name. In 22 percent of these cases, the CEO also knows their favorite vegetable.
  • 58 percent no longer have their expense reports questioned.

BestLite is the second big success for FFOOMM in the last two years.  BegPardon, launched in August of 2019, anticipates a burp or belch twenty seconds in advance, allowing users to temporarily excuse themselves until the moment has passed.