The Plop & Stayer will unexpectedly plop down in the chair in front of your desk – and then just stay. If it’s being done correctly, he or she will time the incident so it occurs at the least convenient time – like when you’re practicing for a spontaneous brainstorming session.

Once plopped, they will talk about an average of seven subjects, most of which involve either perceived slights against them, or a family member who borrows their car and doesn’t put in any gas. The typical visit is seventeen minutes – though some have lasted many hours.  There are unconfirmed reports that one in Indiana lasted for over a week.

Much research has been devoted to finding a way to deal with the situation, but there has been only limited success – including one case where an elevator designer was able to shave six minutes of a visit by pretending to have a sugar imbalance.

But for the most part, once Plopper & Stayers have plopped, they will stay until they are ready to un-plop.