Banked Restroom Visits, Guaranteed Compliments Among Amenities at New Capitol Park Eatery


Haves & Haves – which opened in Detroit’s Capitol Park last week – offers more “top-shelf” and “top-drawer” amenities than any other Detroit eatery, according to owner Leslie Adamanski.

“There’s only four percent of the population that concerns itself with both drawers and shelves,” he says. “Basically, they’re our clientele.”  Adamanski also runs the popular Drip in Birmingham, where the waitstaff wears blinders so they can’t make direct eye contact with diners. 

Just some of what Haves & Haves has to offer:

  • Personal Complimenters: E-mail in advance up to three things you’d like to be complimented on – new shoes, hairstyle, panache, etc. – and you’ll be paid a minimum of three and maximum of six compliments by the staff.
  • Banked Restroom Visits: While the restaurant limits restroom visits to two per diner per meal, those who don’t use their allotment can bank visits for future use.
  • Unlimited Bread Rolls: Patrons will not have to ask for more. If they do, their waitperson will be fired in their presence. “People expect good service, and when they don’t get it they expect something to be done about it,” says Adamanski.
  • Drinks You Have to Think About: Signature liqueurs will be delivered with a placard describing the history of the drink and its ingredients. Customers must read the information, consider it for at least 30 minutes, then sign it before the drink can be ordered.
  • Heated Toilet Tissue: To 89.5 degreesthe “perfect wiping temperature,” according to Adamanski’s research.

The restaurant is already booked solid for the next two years – with only one lunch spot for two still available, on April 30, 2025.