Weekly Quiz: Balls of Business


The ball that you “get rolling” is the same ball as which TWO of these:

a) The ball you “get on”

b) The ball you place in someone’s court

c) The ball you want to avoid dropping

d) The ball signed by Detroit Tiger Justin Verlander after his no-hitter pitched on May 7, 2011

Submit your answers by clicking here.

All correct answers received by Sunday, August 25 at 11:59 PM will be entered into a drawing for a $20 restaurant certificate of the winner’s choice. Answer and winner next Monday, August 26.



Which of these is NOT an officially sanctioned fruit-based business cliché, according to the National Institute for Sanctioning and Prioritizing Generally Accepted Business Cliches?

a) Comparing apples to oranges

b) Picking the low-hanging fruit

c) Can’t see the kumquat for the seed

d) Turning lemons into lemonade

The correct answer is “C” – and congratulations to winner Victoria McSorley.