With More Executives Having Their Hands Tied, More Hand Tiers Are Needed


The number US executives whose hands are tied when it comes to addressing workplace issues, policy changes, and other actionable areas has increased by 14,000 percent since 2010.

Since the human body is not designed to tier its own hands, there is a growing need for professional hand tiers.

“At any given time there are over 45 million hands tied,” says David McClennon, a researcher with the Pratmore Initiative.  “Sometimes, once company alone can r



“What’s really amazing is that the first reported instance of hands being tied didn’t occur until 1949,” he says. “Then it increased by just a couple of points per year until 2010.”

He’s not sure why it’s risen by more than 1000 percent since then, he says – including by 3500 percent in 2020 alone – but the upside is that it has created